Author: Sally Franklin Christie

  • Idea Mining

    Idea Mining

    Where do writers find them? Is there a secret place? The truths as writers know can be pretty darned messed up. We don’t have to like our truth but we shouldn’t look away from their value. Your reader will appreciate your honesty.

  • Diary vs. Journal

    Diary vs. Journal

    While I probably want my old diaries interred with my bones or tossed in with me before cremation, I might be okay if my family or friends came across one of my journals.

  • Ross And His Leather Pants

    Ross And His Leather Pants

    I thought I would include something that makes me laugh just thinking about it. Yes, indeed, this LOL is on me.

  • Writerly Treasures

    Writerly Treasures

    The previous owners of this book of poetry added notes in the margins, highlights and other marks. I can mosey through the pages and pick up on the trails of readers who came before me.

  • The Poetic Process

    The Poetic Process

    Nothing in my life right now is like it was before. I know this moment is a defining one for many of us. We can use the feelings, visions, fear, happiness, the raw emotion of this time and place for writing novels, memoirs, short stories and poems.