Tag: submission guidelines

  • Market Research

    Market Research

    Publishers are being bought and sold and auctioned and given up during bankruptcies. The publication you might discover as a potential market for your short story or article may not actually be there by the time you are writing your cover letter or query. Or, it may be there, but run by a whole new…

  • Knowing Where to Start Your 2020 Writing Goals

    Knowing Where to Start Your 2020 Writing Goals

    Knowing Where to Start Your 2020 Writing Goals We aren’t multi-taskers. We might think we are but physically and mentally we cannot be in more than one place doing more than one thing at the same moment in time. To make up for our inability to do several things at once, we can make lists.…

  • Quarterly Critique Chat Guidelines

    If you are interested in an on the fly critique from the entire Writers Chat Room this is your Quarterly Opportunity. Follow the guidelines exactly. Submissions that do not follow the guidelines will be rejected. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Email sally@writerschatroom.com 150 – 300 words from your work. Paste your submission into the email, do not send…