Giving Your Characters Hotatsosphobia

Giving Your Characters Hotatsosphobia

Let’s talk about how to manipulate your reader by attempting to scare her to death or send her scuttling under her bed. 
We will use some items from the list at the end of this link.
Common Phobias List 
A Few Examples to think about..

wave and a lighthouse
Hotatsosphobia is the fear of lighthouses.

Examples of some of the more unusual phobias include:

  • alektorophobia, fear of chickens
  • onomatophobia, fear of names
  • pogonophobia, fear of beards
  • nephophobia, fear of clouds
  • cryophobia, fear of ice or cold
  • fears related to animals (spiders, dogs, insects)
  • fears related to the natural environment (heights, thunder, darkness)
  • fears related to blood, injury, or medical issues (injections, broken bones, falls)
  • fears related to specific situations (flying, riding an elevator, driving)
  • other (choking, loud noises, drowning)

There must be 50 ways to scare your reader…