Tag: action

  • Point of View

    Point of View

    There are Points of View till hell won’t have them. And we are going to talk about a few of them. We have been discussing character building, settings, symbols and images. We discussed dialogue, subjects and subtexts. On Sunday we hit on Action.



    Sunday’s topic is Action. We’ve talked about scene set ups and dialogue. Action can be huge or it could be one more pebble in the hiker’s shoe. For every action there is a reaction, even if the reader doesn’t see it. Reaction may pile up.

  • Plotting

    When I begin a short story or a novel I like to have a firm idea of the plot in my mind. Once my imagination is pre-loaded I flesh out characters and work through various outcomes. I do best when I have the rough draft of six major scenes. If I do not know some key things going into a story I usually fail to connect enough to finish it.