Don’t Touch Anything Sharp

Barbed wire with cactus behind it

Time after time after time a writer hears the words, “Show, Don’t Tell.” 

kid running with scissors

We touch things everyday.

We feel the tiny springs responding under our fingers at the keyboard.

If you sweep your hand across spring green grass as you smooth out the picnic blanket you know in August the same grass will be stiff, dry and a bit crunch under your legs as you settle in. 

We have handy words to describe the things we touch. Some words are — smoothe, slick, wet, bumpy, rough, hot, cold, sticky and sharp.

There are many more words and some of them can haunt the reader, repulse the reader or make her relax in her chair with memories you brought to mind. The problem with touch is that touch conversation can quickly become an emotional discussion about feelings. 

The following links lead back to websites using the topic of touch.

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Don’t touch anything sharp
