
table of party food

I consulted the Cambridge Dictionary and this is what I found.


promise to yourself to do or to not do something:[ + to infinitive ] I made a resolution to give up chocolate.

I am pretty sure I read the following statement in one of the 33 books I read after 10PM in 2021.

“A Promise is a Prison you Build for Yourself.”

From a Google Dictionary, well…


plural noun: resolutions


a firm decision to do or not to do something. “she kept her resolution not to see Anne any more”

For the past few decades I have honed my resolution and distilled it simply; to meet people where they are, on their path without complaint or expecting accommodation. 

Sally Franklin Christie

You are welcome to adopt this if you wish.

A Winter Scene worthy of a Holiday Card

This will be our last Sunday Topic Chat until after the New Year. Drop by and tell us about some of your resolutions for writing or life in general. There will be a Dessert Potluck at the table in the back of the Chatroom. You probably want to bring your own drinks. 

7PM EST 19 December 2021
