Chapters and Scenes


Storytelling: Writing Chapters and Scenes

Chapters, scenes, and sequences are structural units of storytelling. These are the basic blocks of a story that contain all other elements, from characters, plot, and setting to action, dialogue, and description.

Earth from Space

According to the Oxford Dictionary, a scene is “a sequence of continuous action in a play, film, opera, or book.” Each scene usually occurs in a single location: in one scene, the characters are sitting in a bar having a conversation.

We are halfway through Novel Writing Month. We talked about Character and Setting on Sunday we will talk about Scenes and Chapters. The idea of Scenes and Chapters as parts of each other makes me think about Murder.

All murders are homicides but not all homicides are murder.

Drop by and chat with us about Chapters and Scenes, can you string a bunch of scenes together without wrapping them in chapters?

Can you write a chapter without using a scene?

Who came first, the Chapter or the Scene?

Sunday, November 14th at 7PM EST
