What happens when you sit down at your word processor and find yourself deleting whole paragraphs nursing frustration because not a single idea is arriving fully formed, today?
Effective Book Covers
Remember back in the days of Dogpile and Netscape? Back when we used WordPerfect and FrontPage? The era when we thought Frames were cutting edge and having a web page open and automatically blare music at our visitors?
What Makes a Good Book Cover
June is Book Cover Month at The Writer’s Chatroom. On Wednesday we talked about A Clockwork Orange. The conversation centered around a post entitled The best book covers of all time: 50 coolest book covers on a Website called ShortList. Sunday we are having a look at What Makes a Good Book Cover.
Book Cover Month
Why is this particular book cover, CLOCKWORK ORANGE listed as #1 on the Best book covers of all time?