What it takes to become an effective blogger

What it takes to become an effective blogger

You need to find the Goldilocks Zone for your blog. Who is your audience? Does your blog have a genre? These things take time.
Speaking of time, Jane Friedman says, “Furthermore, to stick with blogging long enough for it to pay off, you have to actually enjoy what it means to blog, and how online writing can be different from print.”

How to Start Blogging: A Definitive Guide for Authors

ladybug on white flower
With my personal blog, Life is a Story – Tell it Big, a series of over 50 posts written through the experiences of various types of houses, became my third book, available on Amazon. If Walls Could Talk: an Anthology of Houses.
Join us, Sunday 15 August at 7PM EDT at the Writers Chatroom and we can talk about blogging and what it means to be a Blogger.
Next week we will have a look at Consistency.