Category: Mini-Topic Chats

  • Editing Project Prep Work

    Editing Project Prep Work

    Our running topic for March will be Revision & Editing. We will sort out the difference between Revision and Editing and address techniques and forms of editing.

  • Writing Articles (nonfiction)

    Writing Articles (nonfiction)

    Writing and selling an article to a magazine is a great place for writers to get a toe into the publishing world or earn some street creds.

  • Writer’s Toolbox

    Writer’s Toolbox

    Writers need a toolbox including the essential tools of grammar and punctuation combined with our voice, our unique story. Novel writing is not something to be entered into lightly.

  • Writer’s Reference Books

    Writer’s Reference Books

    There are countless writing reference books, updated yearly, at your local library. You can build your own reference library, stack or e-files in your own time, according to your needs and income. A Reference Library for every writer is going to be as unique as the writer’s style. Go through your books once or twice a year. Add to it. Don’t be afraid to use it.

  • January Craft and Marketing Month

    January Craft and Marketing Month

    January marks a month of topics about the craft of writing and the art of marketing.